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December 12 2024


LPLR Eyewear (acronym for " La Petite Lunette Rouge ") is born out of an encounter between Alison Hemmes, designer and Hilarhi Arcade, founder of the brand.

LPLR Ottica Urbani Venezia

Their passion for contemporary art guided them into a quest of singularity and modernism.

They wished to revisit the popular 80s "clip on" by putting a double bridge characterize with a red line on all their frames, their unique brand signature.

Where we are

S. Marco Frezzeria 1280, Lido di Venezia, Italy
S. Marco Frezzeria 1280
Venezia, Italy
Gran Viale 61, Lido di Venezia, Italy
Gran Viale 61,
Lido di Venezia, Italy
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